Click on "Create new tournament"

Fill in the details
Make the online payment for the tournament to activate it on the platform.
The tournament organizer is responsible for creating the new tournament on the platform. To create the tournament, the full amount must be paid at the time of registration, the payment will be made online with a card, once the payment is completed, the tournament will be activated in the organizers' area.
TOURNAMENT DETAILS - Fill in the corresponding details for our tournament, these details can be modified later (until they are submitted for validation by the platform).
BILLING DETAILS - In case we need an invoice for the tournament payment, fill in the tax information to generate the corresponding invoice, otherwise select that you do not need an invoice.
Once we have all the details of our tournament filled in, confirm the registration and the confirmation form will appear, explaining how it will redirect us to the Even Padel Virtual POS, select OK and proceed with the card payment.
TOURNAMENT CREATED!! - We now have the tournament created, let's configure it correctly and once it's ready, we will submit it for validation so that Even Padel can review it and open registrations for the players.
Once you have created the tournament, it will appear in the Organizer Area.
Go to and select "Manage My Events". Access the tournament you have created to start the configuration.

- General Information
On the left, we have the navigation menu. Within each section, we configure the tournament's characteristics.
Within the same section, we have several configuration tabs. Some of the tournament information fields were already filled out during registration, but we can modify the data.
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
The registration closing date will automatically change the status of our tournament to "Registration Closed".
If you have questions about the configuration, contact Even Padel.

- Define Categories
We will define the categories of our tournament. By default, the official category templates appear, but we can always create a custom category.
We must have the conference correctly configured; otherwise, a warning will appear as it will not be able to select the associated ranking points.
If we create a custom category, we must fill in the required data to add it.

- Configure Time Restrictions
To get an idea of what players will see when they access the tournament registration, we continue with the following steps to configure availability and additional fields.
We will configure the time restrictions for the registered players.
Time restrictions are the hours that registered players can select so that no matches are assigned to them, allowing the program to adjust the schedules to their preferences.

- Registration Configuration
Extras: This step is optional, only if we want to request additional data during registration (for example: discount code, clothing size, etc.).
Once registrations are open, we will no longer be able to modify the requested fields.
The name is literally what participants will see in the tournament registration form.
With the configuration of availability and extra fields, this is how players will see it when they register for the tournament.

- Validation by the Even Padel Team
You're all set!
All that's left is to request validation so that the Even Padel team can validate it and open registrations:
The tournament will be in the status "Under Validation". Once approved, you will receive a notification email confirming that the tournament has been successfully published: